Kristján Carlsson Gränz is performance and result driven with extensive experience in Airport and Structural Firefighting Operations. Successfully ensures that mandatory safety requirements are fulfilled to ensure the safety of passengers, crew and airport personnel, with best possible operational efficiency and maximum safety achieved. Leads teams in the delivery of outstanding results and provides strategic analysis and operational improvement.

Kristján recently graduated from Reykjavík University with a MBA degree. Now seeking new adventures that are more in sync with his character. Currently works as an Airport Firefighter at the Keflavik International Airport, Iceland.
- Executive MBA degree from Reykjavik University
- Established
- Developed training material for Firefighting officers initial training
- Developed and revised training material for firefighting officers recurrent training
- Past Board member Icelandic Firefighters and EMT Union.
- First Aid Trainer Icelandic Red Cross
- Emergency Medical Technician Trainer, Icelandic EMS School
- Member Icelandic Red Cross Special Emergency Response Unit
- Group Leader in Post-Traumatic stress relief group
- Mass Casualty Crisis Group Leader
Professional Career
- Keflavik Airport Fire Department, currently under control of ISAVIA
- Incident Command
- Fire Instructor
- EMT Instructor
- Hazardous Materials Technician
- Innn Systems
- Development of a dynamic CMS Web system
- Development of complex add-ons for the CMS system LiSA
- Salt Systems, currently Wyre
- Java programming along studies in Computer Engineering at Reykjavík University
- Database indexing and optimizeing
- Keflavik Savings Bank
- Assistant System administrator
- Restructuring internal networks
- Safety and security checks and fixes